162 builds by 198 players

Crazy Crossout builds at GvTsu

Share your own Crossout builds and browse through crazy builds designed by creators registered at GvTsu.

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New features

January 3rd 2021 - Share videos

A new page is added dedicated to Crossout videos shared by players registered on GvTsu. Players can share their videos through the video sharing page by pasting the YouTube video URL.

December 31st 2020 - Auto-request up-to-date Crossout version

Upon submitting a build or garage, now the up-to-date PC version of Crossout is requested by scraping the forum of Crossout.

July 16th 2019 - YouTube videos

Now you can show your Crossout builds in action by providing a video of your builds.

All new features

Future features

Multiple images for builds

Making it possible to show multiple images in order to better showcase your Crossout builds.

Browse builds by category

Being able to browse through categories will make it easier for people to find the builds they like.

Manage builds

On this page you will be able to manage your Crossout builds. You can change the status of your builds (hidden / visible), edit your builds and remove your builds.

All future features

Origins of GvTsu

Logo of GvTsuGvTsu was intended to showcase builds built primarily by myself, but grew into an online exhibition for other players to showcase their Crossout builds as well.


Special thanks

Special thanks goes to Peteppu for removing background from images.